Ooh, a shiny pen

Random things that pass thru my sometimes crazy life and mind.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New Job

Hi y'all, just a quick update, in conjunction with my mothers news on her blog, I have started a new job. It is VERY different there and I am trying to learn as quickly as possible. I am still doing the same titled job, but changing Departments has been much more different than I anticipated. Keep good thoughts for me, and for my trainer, who is probably pulling her hair out.....lol.


Sandy said...

Congrats on the new job and remember - that which does not kill you is your life. suck it up and deal with it...lol.

Also, God will never give you more than you can handle...oh, wait, yes He will...lol.

Sandy said...

oh, and most important, love you baby

Sandy said...

oh, and, proud of you, baby.

Richard said...

Yes ...Congrats
By the way. How is the Hair coming?


Congrats on new work

trenger jobb