Ok, here is the assignment.
Music plays a vital role in most of our lives. It is everywhere. I want to hear the ONE song that is you. The song that whenever it is heard, you smile. I am not looking for the soundtrack of your life, just that one song. Your friends hear it and think of you. You can post the video, the lyrics, the wav file. However you want to post it is great.
If you want to play, just leave a comment and I will add you to the list.
Looking forward to getting to know you through song.
And the players are:
Swampwitch POSTED
Sauntering Soul POSTED
Megnificent POSTED
Lil Man - POSTED **G Rated comments only - Underage user**
Tiggerlane POSTED
Jientje POSTED
A Slice of Life POSTED
AOJ & The Lurchers POSTED
Sayre -POSTED So graciously offered to host next week 02/18/08
Lisa Marie POSTED
Mariposa POSTED
Melanie POSTED
Southern Doll POSTED
Songbird POSTED
Carrie Sue POSTED
Jo Beaufoix POSTED
Karisma POSTED
Randy and Kim (thanks for the link)
Hootin' Anni's POSTED
Celeste POSTED
Robin, the Pensive One
Jennifer POSTED
The Food Snob POSTED
Mishelle POSTED
Irish Coffee House POSTED
I wanna play...I wanna play
Your dad wants to play
your dad wants to play
Your son wants to play
your son wants to play
Great topic. Count me in.
My husband calls me weird (nikki)
omigod... this is SO right up my alley!!!!!!!
I want to play! Now that's gonna be tough - picking ONE SONG! ACK!
Count me in. It's gonna be tough, but I want to play!
Oh yes, I want to play!!! Please add me to the list?
I wanna play!
I'll join in.
Please link to this account tho:
One song that is me? That's gonna be tough. Oh well, I'm game!
A Slice of Life
Count me in please!
I'll play. Sounds like fun!
Just ONE song? OK, I'll play, but I'm not sure it can be just one song...and I'm at http://eastwardcatholicsoliders.wordpress.com
Narrowing this down to one song is going to be REALLY hard, but I'll do it! I'm in, I'm in!
(sign me up over at my Candid Karina blog)
sounds like fun...count me in!!
i want to play! (i've been so busy that i've missed several weeks, so i'm looking forward to this.) thanks!
I'm in. don't know what it'll be, but I'm in.
I cant wait to read all of your posts. I will keep the list growing as the comments are posted.
Drumroll.... sign me up please.
Okay, count me in. Do you think anybody else is using "Bat out of Hell?"
Fun. Just one song? Hmmm.. I may play like Swampy and break the rules, but count me in.
Thanks, I know this is a bit of an ordeal to get all these names organised.
Count me in!
I'll play - and I have an idea for the next one, so I volunteer to host if no one else is dying to do it.
well, i guess so, just not sure i have one, but i used to so yeah, ok, yeah. :)
Terrific topic! Me too, please.
and thanks-
What a fantastic topic!! But I can never pick one of anything. Can I still play? I promise not to leave a soundtrack!
I'll do it! sign me up
I've been debating about this because there is no one song that is 'me' but I guess I can pick something that I love, in fact I have done this before so I might trawl my archives!
That's a convoluted way of saying please count me in!
I'm playing! Count me in! Also, I can host of the next week's FM!
I'm in too.
Fun, fun, fun!!! Sign me up!
I used to play along with Fun Monday during the summer. It's been a while and I'm ready to start playing again. Please add me to the list.
Add me to your list!
Count me in, please!
Just one??? Yikes, that is going to be difficult. Please sign me up. :)
Whew......all updated for now. no moe work for me, it makes me fall behind, guess i will have to quit my job...lol
Great idea I want to play! But it will be hard to pick just one!
Please sign me up for Fun Monday!
I am in!!! Like totally though!!
Oooh, can I play too? This looks like a great Fun Monday!
count me in please!
OOHH another fun one!!!
no trouble on this one add me in dear!!
I will play, but I have no idea what the song will be.
Great idea though. :D
I wanna play!
Count me in, please.
I will play although no song comes into my mind for the moment, lol !
Great idea! Please count me in.
Think, think, think.
I think I can think of one. Count me in.
Hi CP--I'll tackle this if it's not too late to sign up. Thanks!
Yeah, still caught up on updating :-) Based on the list so far, it sure looks like i will have a lot of fun reading. It isnt too late to sign up. Keep em coming.
I'll be playing
ellen b
I'll play!
please include us in Fun Monday..
Hello! Would love to join in the next Fun Monday please :o) Joy T. from www.aspotoft.typepad.com
Let me in please.
I want to do it. Jumping up and down. Waving hands. Let me...let me..let me. :)
Sorry this is so late, but please count me in. Pretty please with sugar on top.
Robin of mytwoblessings
Sign me up, please! I don't know if I can stick to just one song. I don't know if there is a song that makes people think of me. (I'll poll some folks tomorrow.) I will come up with something though. Just warning you that I may have to bend the rules just a tad on that ONE stipulation.
award for you at my place!!
Good Morning, If it is not too late, please sign up NLL. I don't know if I can come up with one song due to my eclectic tastes. However, if you have room and patience for one such as me I will play. Thanks. NLM
Late to the party but please add me to your list.
Thanks. :)
Yes, I want to play, please!
i thought i signed up... please? thanks. Lil Mouse
I'm playing!!!! Will you be kind enough to add me to the list? I'd appreciate it.
Now I'm off to go a'searchin' for MY song. LOL
Happy weekend.
I'd love to play please!
If there is still time, I would like to participate.
Better late than never? Looks like a GREAT turn out--thanks for making this simple :).
(I'll add you to the master list, linked from my sidebar :) ).
I'm joining and I'm UP now! Happy FM!
Yep. I'm in. Going to figure out my song now! Jennifer
Mines been posted. Thanks it was fun.
hi there! happy sunday night! Saw your comment. We have posted. I will let kim now of the difficulties you are having. This should be fun. See ya tomorow! NLM
Me again. Kim suggested instead of just saying hello and making chit chat, I should send you our link - so here you go...
Now I can go get my glass of wine... NLM
Mine is posted - great topic - easy and fun! Thanks!
Juls, for Randy and Kim, try http://nekkedlizardadventures.typepad.com That should work.
this was soooo much fun.
Mine is posted!
Can't wait to see/listen to everyone elses!
I have written something too ! Was quite difficult, lol !
I posted.
mine's up! happy monday!
Mine is posted :o)
Mine's up!
Mine is up too!
Juls, Min wanted to play and has posted but couldn't tell you because of blogger boogies. Here is her link:
That's Min from MamaDrama
Psst! I posted:o)
I signed up but am not on the list.
I've posted!!!
A Slice of Life
it's up - thanks for letting me play. Jen
Mine is up!
Thanks for letting me play.
Mine's up, too :).
Thanks, Julie!
Mine's up, too :).
Thanks, Julie!
Me to, I wanna play
I'm playing this one.
Here's Mine
Mishelle, Secret Agent Mama
How fun! Here I am!
Sorry to complain, but somebody told me that besides my name there was not written "Posted" although I told it twice !
Are we supposed to bother you with the fact that we posted? If so, mine's up. If not, sorry!!!
This was a great FM. I didn't sign up, but did just do a post. Great idea!!!
Hey, Juls, another player who saw it at AFF's and jumped on board:
Oh goody! Another horse lover. I am adding you to my favorites as we speak. I hopped over here from PW's site. Nice to meet you
Lisa from Kentucky
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