Ooh, a shiny pen

Random things that pass thru my sometimes crazy life and mind.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Waiting for December

One of the things I waited for, as a child, the most, was December. December meant Christmas lights (will be another post for another day...lol), Santa hats, Sleigh Bells and Decorations.

At my Grams house, my favorite decoration that got put up was a Gingerbread House my mother made out of plastic canvas.

***Disclaimer...this is NOT the house she made but the only one i could find a picture of, hers was WAY better***

One year my mother made these as gift for several relatives, but what made that even more special than they already were was the fact she put little touches in and on each one that corresponded with the recipient. For example, my Grams had the antlers (complete with unevenness that was there) over the fireplace. The rocking chair, the TV where the TV lived etc. Much thought and love was put into each house.

BUT WAIT....there's more. Not only was the house "built" with love. To take it one step further my Grams filled it with my all time favorite candies so when the roof was lifted to look at the optical treasure created INSIDE, there was candy too. What more could a girl want.

Thanks Mom AND Grams


Sandy said...

Awwww. See, you just never know what is gonna be one of your kid's favorite memories. I'm so glad that this is one of them!

Shorty said...

awwwwwwwwwww. from me too, i had forgotten them , n , all the love u'r mom put into them. love ya.

Debs said...
