Ooh, a shiny pen

Random things that pass thru my sometimes crazy life and mind.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Yummy for my tummy

I made a coleslaw today that is from a recipe one of my co-workers gave me. It isn't your normal coleslaw. It is a super terrific non mayo slaw.

Here is the recipe, thanks Allison. You rock!!

1 bag coleslaw mix
1 green bell pepper, chopped kinda fine
1 red bell pepper, chopped kinda fine
1 onion chopped fine
2 cuties, chopped kinda fine
4T lemon juice
1c Reed's Dressing (made locally....support local industry!!!)
8T balsamic vinegar
Mix all ingredients and enjoy! It tastes so good.

What Allison showed me (and we did for dinner at work the other night)
Take said slaw place on toasted Thin Bun, top with 1 slice crispy bacon (broken into thirds or fourths), Put top bun on and enjoy.

Note: Get a napkin, you will need it.....lol


Sandy said...

That sounds really good!!!

Swampwitch said...

I LOVE cole slaw. So, mail me a bottle of Reed's dressing so I can make this yummy sounding recipe.


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